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Soft Skills 100 | Teamwork and Collaboration | Part 2

By this point in Soft Skills 100, you will have encountered many topics that outline how to be an ideal team player. These skills equip you to excel in the workplace through relationship building, excellent communication, and critical thinking practices. There are other behaviors that are essential to apply to your current or future job as well. This portion of the class will cover teamwork and collaboration, diversity and inclusion, and the benefits of time management. Here is an overview of those topics in the final part of the course.

Teamwork and Collaboration
One of the best ways to better your communication is to focus on teamwork and collaboration. Both of these practices improve work relationships and maximize overall effectiveness when planning and executing any initiative. With the help of strong leadership, the joint action in working toward a common goal can prove to be streamlined and successful. The first step in working better as a team is to identify collaborative behaviors. A successful team member usually helps others, is socially invested, and applies the Golden Rule to a multitude of situations. They are also reliable, adaptable, and motivated to reach personal and professional goals.

Diversity & Inclusion
Once you have learned how to identify the best teamwork practices, it’s essential to understand how diversity is related to successful collaboration. In a workplace setting, diversity can be described as, but not limited to, individual differences in skills and abilities, personality traits, values, cultures, and physical appearance. These dissimilarities help workflow and build professional relationships because each person brings a specific background and talent to the team. Each separate skill acts as a puzzle piece that comprises the overall picture. Soft Skills 100 helps you understand how differences work as an advantage and ways to appreciate everyone’s unique story and experience.

Time Management
One critical skill to gain and practice in the workplace is adequate time management. This behavior has many benefits that positively affect communication, relationships, and overall success in many other areas in life. In this part of the course, you will learn how to set reasonable goals for how you spend your time. One way to start is by writing timelines and making a note of how much effort a task will take. Planning and head, and bracketing larger jobs into manageable pieces, is a great strategy to avoid overwork and missed deadlines. Also, it is important to take breaks and ask for help – this will ensure that you meet goals without burning out and damaging your reputation in the process. Poor time management can affect the productivity of your team and reflect poorly on your performance.

Soft Skills 100 is the next step in your career development training that will give you the skills and knowledge you need to impress potential employers and secure stable employment. Once you have learned new techniques and brushed up on previous experience, your job search will become that much easier! Ready to enroll? Visit MyCareerAdvisor.com to learn how you can increase your interpersonal communication skills and gain the confidence to land your dream job.