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Sedona Goodwill Retail and Donation Center

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  3. Sedona Goodwill Retail and Donation Center
Events at this venue

Hiring Event: Bashas’

Sedona Goodwill Retail and Donation Center 166 Coffee Pot Dr|166 Coffee Pot Dr, Sedona|Sedona, AZ|AZ

Recruiters will be onsite interviewing for: Barista Baker Deli Clerk Lead Deli Clerk Cashier Bakery Clerk Night Crew Clerk Cake Decorator  Please dress professionally and bring a copy of your resume to meet with the employer.

Hiring Event: Enchantment Resort

Sedona Goodwill Retail and Donation Center 166 Coffee Pot Dr|166 Coffee Pot Dr, Sedona|Sedona, AZ|AZ

Recruiters will be onsite interviewing for: Food and Beverage Warehouse Security Housekeeping Guest Services Spa Please dress professionally and bring a copy of your resume to meet with the employer.

Hiring Event: Basha’s

Sedona Goodwill Retail and Donation Center 166 Coffee Pot Dr|166 Coffee Pot Dr, Sedona|Sedona, AZ|AZ

Recruiters will be onsite interviewing for: Barista Baker Deli Clerk Lead Deli Clerk Cashier Bakery Clerk Night Crew Clerk Cake Decorator  Please dress professionally and bring a copy of your resume to meet with the employer.

Sedona Grand Reopening

Sedona Goodwill Retail and Donation Center 166 Coffee Pot Dr|166 Coffee Pot Dr, Sedona|Sedona, AZ|AZ

Rediscover your new Goodwill store in Sedona. You’ll find great deals on clothing, housewares and furniture.   Bring bag of donations grand opening weekend, and you’ll also receive a $5 off coupon for additional grand opening weekend savings.