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Goal Setting & Time Management

January 3, 2020

As the new year and decade begins, you may feel that it’s time for a change in your life as well. Luckily, when it comes to your career path, it is the perfect time to plan for the future, set goals, and explore new options for employment. There are many ways to achieve your career objectives for 2020; it is essential to take notes, use time management practices, and create an outlined plan to tackle each step toward your goal. Here are tips on building your most successful year yet!

Create an Outline

Before you get started on any goal, it is best to make a list of all you’d like to accomplish. Do you want a new job or to improve an aspect of your current one? Do you need to build a new resume? Is it time to go back to school? Ask yourself what you need to do and create a bullet-point outline. Then, consider how to achieve each step. No matter the scope of the project, you can segment each action into daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly timelines. For example, if you plan to get a degree to increase your opportunities for stable employment, break it into smaller tasks. “Call the admissions office.” “Make a financial aid appointment.” “Buy textbooks.” These are all simple steps within the more significant timetable. By bracketing larger goals into manageable pieces, you can avoid becoming overwhelmed.

Time Management

One of the easiest ways to meet objectives is to adopt adequate time management skills. This behavior has many benefits that positively affect communication, relationships, and overall success in many other areas in life. To make sure you are getting the most of your day, you must set reasonable goals for how you spend your time. One way to start is by writing timelines and making a note of how much effort a task will take. Setting a ’15 Minute Timer’ is a great tactic to accomplish a lot in a short time. Set an alarm for 15 minutes and do as much as you can toward a project. Also, it is essential to take breaks and ask for help – this will ensure that you meet goals without burning out. Practicing these time management strategies can increase your daily productivity.


One of the main strategies to make sure you accomplish your goals this year is accountability. By telling a friend or family member what you intend to do, you are more likely to follow through. This person can provide encouragement, remind you to stay on track, and give suggestions to handle setbacks. They can also give you constructive feedback on how you’re doing so far. Although many objectives can be reached without anyone else, it helps to have a support system even if it is one individual. If someone knows what you’re trying to do, they can create new opportunities for other resources and additional help. When you land that new job, graduate from that class, or start your freelance business, you will be happy to share your dedication and follow-through!

Reward Yourself

Take time to celebrate successful milestones – no matter how big or small the accomplishment. This can keep you motivated and focused, and it increases morale when a reward is waiting in the future. Didn’t get the job yet, but got an interview? Celebrate that! Checked off a few to-dos within the larger project? Treat yourself! A reward system is an integral part of goal setting, as it reminds you of your progress and reinforces your capabilities. By reviewing what you have done so far, it helps you revise your goals where needed and spot opportunities for improvement. It is also a reminder that anything can be accomplished through action and consistency.

Are you ready to set goals for 2020 and advance your career? Goodwill provides no-cost career services for anyone seeking employment or a higher-paying job. We offer job seekers the tools and resources to feel confidence, purpose-driven, and successful. Goodwill’s My Career Advisor is the best place to start if you’re planning for the future. Signing up is quick, easy, and free.