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Career Center Hours Changing

November 10, 2017

At Goodwill of Central and Northern Arizona, we’re dedicated to helping the community by fighting unemployment through our no-cost career centers for the public.

The hours for our career centers are changing, effective Monday, November 13, 2017. For specific hours at the center nearest you, please visit our locations page.

We’ve modified our career center hours to match our busiest times. The career center advisors will now have the opportunity to complete other administrative duties and conduct community outreach efforts, thereby bettering our centers and resources during open business hours.

If you require assistance with your job search after career center hours, our Virtual Employment Specialist team can help you with applications or resume updating. They’re available Monday through Friday, 9am – 5pm. You can reach them at 602-535-4444.

If you have any feedback about the new hours or concerns, please call us at 602-535-4444.